To be, rather than to appear
I walk with the author
of scent and sound -
a sculptor of shape
and shade beside
my destiny-tread. This
truth will not blend.
Her eyes called what
seemed a similar hue,
not true but coloured
with a life and line -
shades and flickering
raises, glimpses glinting
at me: too hungry
for anything more than
a pulped, puckered depth
filmed with the day-surface.
Called by the sheen of tears on your face
To hold you firm and carry you far
From night-shadows behind and the shallow smile
Of yesterday’s hope betrayed. One
To bring us, broken, into the arms of a King
To bury that face of loss, and sobbing cry
On the heart of the name we no longer deny.
Crimson-cloaked and crowned to follow -
Eyes shining, rising
With the True Light now of our every tomorrow.